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Post-Doctoral Research Fellows

Four post-doctoral fellow positions in immunology and inflammation are immediately available in OncoC4, Inc, a biotech startup company in Rockville, Maryland, USA, one of the most vibrant hubs of Biotechnology in the nation.  These positions offer opportunities to study pathogenesis and therapeutic intervention of cancer and inflammatory diseases in the setting of Biotech Start-up. The company offers competitive compensation package, strong mentorships by leading immunologists and translational research scientists, access to clinical samples, state-of-art research facility and rapid career path to research scientists. 



The candidate will conduct research and development activities to study the activities, efficacy, and mechanism of actions of novel immune check points in cancer and autoimmune disease models to guide the development of immune therapeutics from preclinical to clinical evaluation.



  • Molecular and cellular and structural biology methods to develop novel immune therapeutics.
  • Use state of the art immunological methods and disease models to study mechanism of action of the therapeutic drugs.
  • To conduct translational research in compliance of regulatory requirements
  • To conduct clinical research using clinical samples



  • Eligible to work in the US companies (e.g., US citizenship, permanent US residency, or recent US graduate eligible for post-graduate Optional Practical Training (OPT))
  • Recent PhD in immunology, cancer biology or other relevant fields with track record of publication on peer-review journals
  • Ability to interact and function in a highly productive work environment
  • Ability to work independently


Please send CV and any inquires to hschiltz@oncoc4.com and wwu@oncoc4.com.